AMC Premium

Template Tester

aus der Kategorie Fleisch, Geflügel & Wild

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  • 5 Minuten
  • 20 Minuten
  1. 4 Hähnchenbrust
  2. *de* hot paprika powder
  3. Currypulver
  4. Salz, Pfeffer
  5. 330 g Rinderbrühe Canino (Einlaufsuppe) oder Geflügelbrühe

1. *de* Remove the chicken breast from the fridge about 30 minutes before you intend to prepare it. Dab the meat dry with paper towel.

2. *de* Heat the pot on highest level up to the roasting window, switch to a low level and place the chicken breast with the flat side down and press down. Close with the lid and roast until the turning point is reached.

3. *de* Turn and season the chicken breast, put the lid back on and switch off the hob.

4. Je nach Dicke ca. 10 Minuten ziehen lassen.


  • *de* Roasting with the lid is perfect for tender meat like chicken breast, as it keeps the meat juicy without drying out. Another positive: All of the cooking smells stay trapped in the pot!

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